Enumerations in Python are implemented by using the module named “enum“.Enumerations are created using classes. Enums have names and values associated with them. Properties of enum:
- Enums can be displayed as string or repr.
- Enums can be checked for their types using type().
- “name” keyword is used to display the name of the enum member.
- Enumerations are iterable. They can be iterated using loops
- Enumerations support hashing. Enums can be used in dictionaries or sets.
# Python code to demonstrate enumerations
# importing enum for enumerations
import enum
# creating enumerations using class
class Animal(enum.Enum):
dog = 1
cat = 2
lion = 3
# printing enum member as string
print ("The string representation of enum member is : ",end="")
print (Animal.dog)
# printing enum member as repr
print ("The repr representation of enum member is : ",end="")
print (repr(Animal.dog))
# printing the type of enum member using type()
print ("The type of enum member is : ",end ="")
print (type(Animal.dog))
# printing name of enum member using "name" keyword
print ("The name of enum member is : ",end ="")
print (Animal.dog.name)
The string representation of enum member is : Animal.dog
The repr representation of enum member is : <Animal.dog: 1>
The type of enum member is : <enum 'Animal'>
The name of enum member is : dog
# Python code to demonstrate enumerations
# iterations and hashing
# importing enum for enumerations
import enum
# creating enumerations using class
class Animal(enum.Enum):
dog = 1
cat = 2
lion = 3
# printing all enum members using loop
print ("All the enum values are : ")
for Anim in (Animal):
# Hashing enum member as dictionary
di = {}
di[Animal.dog] = 'bark'
di[Animal.lion] = 'roar'
# checking if enum values are hashed successfully
if di=={Animal.dog : 'bark',Animal.lion : 'roar'}:
print ("Enum is hashed")
else: print ("Enum is not hashed")
All the enum values are :
Enum is hashed
Accessing Modes: Enum members can be accessed by two ways
- By value :- In this method, the value of enum member is passed.
- By name :- In this method, the name of enum member is passed. Separate value or name can also be accessed using “name” or “value” keyword.
Comparison: Enumerations supports two types of comparisons
- Identity :- These are checked using keywords “is” and “is not“.
- Equality :- Equality comparisons of “==” and “!=” types are also supported.
# Python code to demonstrate enumerations
# Access and comparison
# importing enum for enumerations
import enum
# creating enumerations using class
class Animal(enum.Enum):
dog = 1
cat = 2
lion = 3
# Accessing enum member using value
print ("The enum member associated with value 2 is : ",end="")
print (Animal(2))
# Accessing enum member using name
print ("The enum member associated with name lion is : ",end="")
print (Animal['lion'])
# Assigning enum member
mem = Animal.dog
# Displaying value
print ("The value associated with dog is : ",end="")
print (mem.value)
# Displaying name
print ("The name associated with dog is : ",end="")
print (mem.name)
# Comparison using "is"
if Animal.dog is Animal.cat:
print ("Dog and cat are same animals")
else : print ("Dog and cat are different animals")
# Comparison using "!="
if Animal.lion != Animal.cat:
print ("Lions and cat are different")
else : print ("Lions and cat are same")
The enum member associated with value 2 is : Animal.cat
The enum member associated with name lion is : Animal.lion
The value associated with dog is : 1
The name associated with dog is : dog
Dog and cat are different animals
Lions and cat are different
# define enumerations using the Enum base class
from enum import Enum, unique, auto
#Enum do not permit repeated names howewver
#To avoid repeated values the unique decorator is used
class Fruit(Enum):
PEAR = auto()
def main():
# enums have human-readable values and types
# enums have name and value properties
print(Fruit.APPLE.name, Fruit.APPLE.value)
# print the auto-generated value
# enums are hashable - can be used as keys
myFruits = {}
myFruits[Fruit.BANANA] = "Come Mr. Tally-man"
if __name__ == "__main__":
<enum 'Fruit'>
<Fruit.APPLE: 1>
Come Mr. Tally-man