Graph Algorithms
Kruskal Algorithm
Dijkstra’s Algorithm
- Find the cheapest node. This is the node you can get to in the least amount of time.
- Check whether there’s a cheaper path to the neighbors of this node. If so, update their costs.
- Repeat until you’ve done this for every node in the graph.
- Calculate the final path.
#To code this example, you’ll need three hash tables. graph, cost and parents
graph = {}
graph['start'] = {}
graph['start']['a'] = 6
graph['start']['b'] = 2
graph['a'] = {}
graph['a']['fin'] = 1
graph['b'] = {}
graph['b']['a'] = 3
graph['b']['fin'] = 5
graph['fin'] = {}
infinity = float('inf')
costs = {}
costs['a'] = 6
costs['b'] = 2
costs['fin'] = infinity
parents = {}
parents['a'] = 'start'
parents['b'] = 'start'
parents['fin'] = None
# an array to keep track of all the nodes you’ve already
# processed, because you don’t need to process a node more than once
processed = []
def find_lowest_cost_node(costs):
lowest_cost = float('inf')
lowest_cost_node = None
for node in costs: #Go through each node.
cost = costs[node]
if cost < lowest_cost and node not in processed:
lowest_cost = cost #… set it as the new lowest-cost node.
lowest_cost_node = node
return lowest_cost_node
node = find_lowest_cost_node(costs)
while node is not None:
cost = costs[node]
neighbors = graph[node]
for n in neighbors.keys():
new_cost = cost + neighbors[n]
if costs[n] > new_cost:
costs[n] = new_cost
parents[n] = node
node = find_lowest_cost_node(costs)
{'a': 5, 'b': 2, 'fin': 6}
Bellman Ford Algorithm
Topological Sort Algorithm
Floyd-Warshall Algorithm
Flood Fill Algorithm
Lee Algorithm