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とおりに (toori ni)


in the same way as; in the way; as ~


Verb (dictionary form) + とおりに

Verb (casual past) + とおりに

Noun + どおりに

Noun + のとおりに

This is generally written in hiragana, and can be translated similarly to:

Just as [A], [B]~.

As described by [A], [B]~.

The final に is optional, and may be removed in some cases.


彼は言われたとおりにした。 He did as he was told.
彼は時間どおりにやって来た。 He arrived on time.
すべてはスケジュールどおりに進んでいる。 Everything is going according to schedule.
じゃあ、先生が書くとおりに、一緒に漢字を書いてください。 Let's get started, please write the kanji character together as the teacher draws it.
先生が言ったとおり、試験が難しかった。 The exam was difficult, just as the teacher said it would be.
天気が晴れってきた。予報どおりだ。 The weather started to clear up. The weather forecast was right.
何もかも、私の願ったとおりになりました。 Everything turned out as I had hoped.
店員さんがかいてくれた地図のとおりに来たが、道に迷った。 I followed the map that the employee drew for me, but ended up getting lost.
山田さんの言ったとおりに、昨日の夜、街ではお祭りがありました。 Just as Mr. Yamada said, last night there was a festival in town.