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なかなか (nakanaka)


very; quite; pretty; rather; just not ~

Usage 1) なかなか + Noun / Adjective

When なかなか is used with a noun or adjective, the speaker expresses a sense of unexpectedness or surprise.

Usage 2) なかなか + Verb

When なかなか is used with a negative verb, it implies that the speaker has attempted to do something, but it is unable to do it.


なかなか + Verb

なかなか + Noun

なかなか + Adjective


なかなか面白そうです。 That sounds quite interesting.
彼はなかなか本を読む。 He reads quite a lot of books.
この料理はなかなか美味しいですね。 This food is quite good.
彼らはなかなか手ごわい相手ですね。 They are pretty tough opponents.
なかなかのドレスですね。君にとても似合うと思うよ。 It's quite a nice dress, I think it suits you well.
車のエンジンがなかなかかからない。 I can't seem to get the car to start.
バスを待つだけなのになかなか時間がかかりそうです。 I am just waiting for the bus, but it seems like it's going to take quite some time.
もう来るはずなんですが、なかなかバスが来ませんね。 It should have arrived already, but the bus doesn't seem to be coming.